Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2 runs to change it all

I feel like myself again.

Negative November has been washed away in the rain, and Determined December has stepped in it's place.

It's funny how 4 years of pretty awesome running (with some ups and downs) can seem to disappear in one discouraging month.  But now, I'm back.  I'm retraining my brain and loving the miles again.  Not just having the miles done with, but the actual miles themselves.

Take last night's run for instance.  Usually, on Tuesday nights I practice with TNT at Green Lake.  But after a last minute meeting at work and some traffic on the commute, I got home with no time to take Lucy for her walk before I left for my run.  So out of fairness to her, I decided to skip practice (it's a "rest" week anyways, so I wasn't missing hill repeats or tempo runs) and take the loveable Lucy out with me for some exercise.

Because this sleepy puppy is way better to have around in a 750 sq ft apartment:
So sleepy and cuddly.
Instead of this neurotic mess:
So. Much. Energy.  Pictures cannot capture it fully.
On the way home from work, the rain was just a steady light sprinkle.  This is typical Seattle rain, and I don't mind much running in it.  It's not soaking, and at times can even be refreshing if it's not too cold out.  So when I got home, with the decision to skip practice made, I put Lucy on her leash and headed out for a 5 miler through Ballard.

Five minutes into the run, the rain turned into more of a steady rain instead of a sprinkle.  That I could handle.  I don't melt.  Although I think Lucy has convinced herself that she does.  She's a trooper though and trots along behind me.

But 10 minutes after that, it started POURING.  I was already about 2 miles from home, so there was no turning back.  I started puddle jumping and enjoying the seconds of pass-through under dry trees, thinking the downpour couldn't last long.

But it did.  And 10 minutes later, I was drenched, starting to feel a little miserable and tired of jumping around puddles at the same time that Lucy aimed for them (she likes to splash through them and then try to catch the splashes in her charming).

Then, about a mile and a half from home, as I waited at long stoplight, imagining what a soaked pair me and Lucy must look like to the passing cars, I gave in.  I started laughing at how heavily the rain was coming down and streaming through the gutter at my feet.  I was soaked, and cringing miserably under the downpour wasn't going to help matters.  Instead, I surrendered to it.  Let it rain.  Let it pour.  Let it come down in sheets.  I will take it all.

And then the rest of the run felt, simply, like freedom.  I pumped my legs, jumped into the puddles with Lucy, and forgot about caring.  It was all about running and enjoying it.  No matter what conditions surrounded me.

The rain washed it all away.  Whatever "it" is.

And then I got home and took a long, hot, well-deserved shower.  I might be exaggerating, but I can't help but say that it was one of the best runs I've had in months.

But, it didn't end there.  Remember this post back in early October when I made of lovely list of all the things I've learned since saying goodbye to the snooze button?  And remember how I so optimistically ended my list with this?:

8)  Perhaps, one day, I could become a morning exerciser.  Who knows...crazier things have happened.

Well friends, that day has officially arrived, and a lot sooner that I'd ever expected.  Actually, the first momentous morning run happened a few weeks ago, but it was in Negative November, I felt awful and I frankly didn't feel like writing about it (I know...bad blogger).  But this morning, after my body cleansing run last night, I woke up and ran again.

Due to scheduling conflicts this evening, I knew I wouldn't get my run in.  And with the Goofy Challenge lingering over my shoulder, I'm hesitant to miss any runs right now.  So I decided I would re-attempt a morning run.  I was in bed by 8:30 last night and asleep by 9:00 (yep, I'm a cool kid).  The alarm went off at 5:00 and I got up and ready to go.

Luckily, it was not raining.  As much as I embraced the rain the evening before, the thought of another drenching run at 5 AM didn't seem too appealing.  I bundled up, put on my headlamp, attached Lucy's flashy red light to her collar, and took off.

And again, I felt great.  The usual stiffness I feel on weekend or vacation day morning runs wasn't there.  My lungs felt great.  My legs were a little sore, but sometimes that only helps me push harder (I'm hurting already, why not push just a bit more anyways?).  I was also surprised to run past a pack of about 15 runners making their way around Green Lake.  And a few other solo and pair runners as well.  On my first "official" morning run, I had seen 2 other people out braving the elements.  It was nice to have some other morning runner smiles this time.

I did my 4.5 mile loop around Green Lake and the zoo.  It wasn't my fastest run ever (about a 9:00 pace), but I wasn't aiming for speed.  My main thought during the run was: "Enjoy it."  So I ran at a pace that I was completely comfortable at.  A pace that felt easy.  A pace that Lucy could easily keep up with.

And then, I was back home by 6:15 AM, with my daily run already under my belt.  And again, it felt pretty amazing.  I went to work knowing that I ran that morning.  I taught my first few lessons knowing that I got up and ran in the morning.  I ate lunch knowing that I had already done my run.  And through the afternoon  and on my way home from work, I knew that I didn't need to run when I got home (even if I wanted to).

Let me make this clear, in case it's not: I ran in the MORNING.  Pre-sunrise.  Pre-work.  And it felt good.

In less than 12 hours, I ran close to 10 miles in two very different but two very encouraging, self-affirming runs. My mind is getting back to where it used to be.  And I'm starting to feel like me again.

So, my official goal for Determined December:

Enjoy Running.

Because really, otherwise, what's the point?

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